Virtual Reality: How To Engage Your Mind Online When You’re Staying Home
March 18, 2020
So let’s assume you’re following public health guidance and staying at home. No more movie theaters, music performances, lectures or other outside social gatherings, right? Well, assuming you’re reading this post on your phone, tablet or computer, you’re not without resources to keep your mind engaged and brain cells humming…
Get Smart: The Latest Tech For Older Adults And Caregivers
January 15, 2020
So maybe you’re the adult child of an older adult who lives alone, maybe even thousands of miles away. Or maybe your loved one lives close by, yet you can only get there after work or on weekends. “Aging in place,” rather than in a facility, is preferred by the…
In The Works: News And Advice For Older Entrepreneurs
January 8, 2020
So maybe you’re approaching retirement age or have already stepped back from full-time employment but are feeling bored by the extra time you have on hand. Are you planning to look for a new job? Or instead, do you see yourself on track to starting your own thing- being your…
A Run For Your Money: Are You Ripe For Financial Exploitation Or Fraud?
December 11, 2019
In this season of giving, it’s probably no surprise that older adults are even more vulnerable than usual to giving away (or being scammed out of) their hard-earned money- and not just because they’re generous gift-givers. As Dr. Kathleen Wilber, Director of the Secure Old Age Lab at the University…
For The Long Run: Can We (And Should We) Be Extending Human Life Spans
July 2, 2019
The quest for immortality has always been a part of the human condition, even if never a realistic possibility. Yet, in today’s climate of significant medical and technological breakthroughs, we are certainly pushing the boundaries of the average human life span. Just in the last 2 centuries the average life…
Taking Care: Artificial Intelligence And Robots In The Caregiving Arena
June 5, 2019
As in almost all aspects of our lives, artificial intelligence (AI) is seeping into the health care arena, including long term care for older people, either at home or in facilities. In hospitals, you’re beginning to see robots deliver pills or lunch trays and transport specimens to labs. And of…