Distance Learning: Grandparents Reading Remotely With Grandchildren
September 9, 2020
Anyone with young children or grandchildren in their lives knows that this year back to school is fraught with anxieties and uncertainties. For grandparents, in particular, this is a time of real confusion. If you are raising your grandchildren or providing childcare, then you face the risk of coronavirus infection…
Hold The Phone: What’s Your Take On Telemedicine?
August 19, 2020
According to a brand new survey from the National Poll on Healthy Aging, up until May of 2019, only 4% of adults age 50-80 had ever experienced a telemedicine visit with a health care provider. However, from the 3 months of March- June 2020, 26% of respondents had had such…
Stay The Course: How To Keep Up Connections Despite Physical Distance
May 20, 2020
We have known for a long time that social isolation and loneliness in older adults are at epidemic proportions in our country and can take a significant toll on the physical and mental health of seniors. (For a deeper analysis on this, take a look at the highly-praised new book…
Chit Chat: What Are Your Video Connection Options?
April 22, 2020
Technology has always been a mixed-blessing for older adults. Not having grown up with the skills or familiarity that younger people have, there always feels like the need to play catch-up with the salient terms and technology, not to mention the intimidation and isolation one feels when everyone else seems…
Ties That Bind: How To Remedy Social Isolation During Social Distancing
March 25, 2020
It’s no secret that social isolation can take an enormous toll on older adults. And in a twist of irony, it seems clear that cutting off social and physical connections, as we are doing during the coronavirus outbreak, makes it harder for people to fight off infection, among other detrimental…
Phone It In: The Rise Of Telemedicine
March 25, 2020
If you’re practicing good social distancing and quarantine etiquette, then you’re probably not venturing out of the house for your normal medical check-ups. Which doesn’t mean you don’t have questions for your physician or problems you think warrant attention. But given the stress on medical facilities and the constraints on…