Hearing Repaired: FDA Issues Guidelines On Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids
October 27, 2021
You may find people chuckling at you when you ask for the tv to be turned louder, or you ask, for the 80th time, “Can you repeat that?” But hearing loss is no joking matter and it’s largely an untreated condition in the United States. After heart disease and arthritis,…
Tech Alert: The Ongoing Development Of Technology Aimed At Seniors
October 6, 2021
The futurist Alvin Toffler once said, “Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate.” For many if not most older adults, the pace of technological change and advances- just in a matter of years- has been both breathless and perhaps overwhelming. While so many of…
Out From Under: How Do We Solve The Loneliness Epidemic?
May 26, 2021
With the arrival of spring and an increasing number of Americans vaccinated, you might think that the problems of loneliness and social isolation, so prevalent among older adults during Covid, are no longer a concern. After all, once it’s safe to go out again, doesn’t that symbolize the end of…
Aging Today And Tomorrow: How Will The Pandemic Change Aging Going Forward?
February 3, 2021
If there’s one thing that COVID has revealed, it’s the contradictory nature of aging at this moment in time. Never have the words of Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” rung more true. For many seniors, the pandemic has truly been a horror…
Gift-Giving: Holiday Shopping While Social Distancing
December 9, 2020
It’s certainly not the usual holiday season this year. Whether you’re looking forward to Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, or another cultural celebration, it’s unlikely you’ll partake in the usual festivities or merrymaking. In fact, very little may resemble prior years’ celebrations, with perhaps the exception of gift-giving. But even that will…
Continuing Care: Providing Support Now To Aging Parents
November 18, 2020
For some of us, it’s taken a once-in-a-lifetime public health crisis to underscore how much our aging parents need our support and connection in order to successfully continue to “age in place.” From food supplies to doctor’s visits, what we once took for granted we may now need to explicitly…