Fast Friends: Old Or New, Friends Are Critical In Your Later Years
November 6, 2024
The writer and activist Letty Cottin Pogrebin once said, “We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young.” The challenge, as an older adult, is maintaining and sustaining those long-term friendships while seeking out newer friendships as life evolves in your later…
Happy Endings: Creating An Obituary To Inspire Life
October 30, 2024
You may remember back in March of this year, agebuzz Guest Blogger Susanna Barton wrote a post on Getting Write: Pen Your Obituary, Plan Your Funeral. In that post, she provided useful information as to how to consider drafting an obituary for yourself and why such an act would be…
Social Studies: Is Your Loneliness Affecting Your Health?
October 16, 2024
It will come as no surprise to most of you that loneliness continues to be a significant public and personal health problem in our country, as new data from Gallup reports the ongoing significance of the problem. According to a just-released survey as part of the Gallup National Health and…
Triple AAA: Activism Against Ageism
October 2, 2024
It wasn’t too long ago that we urged you to push back on the everyday ageism you likely encounter. But since next Wednesday, October 9th, is Ageism Awareness Day, we thought we’d briefly return to the topic to make sure you’re well-equipped to identify ageism when you encounter it and…
One And Done: The Rise Of Seniors Aging Solo
September 25, 2024
There’s never been a moment in history when people have lived longer, and there’s likely never been a moment in history when so many people, especially older people, have lived alone. According to a recent post by journalist Judith Graham writing for Kaiser Family Foundation Health News, more than 16…
Marry Me: Married Older Men Age Better
August 28, 2024
As with most things in life, men and women tend to do things differently. When it comes to aging, men fare better in certain areas and women tend to do better in others. However, when it comes to marriage, the impact on healthy aging now seems clear: Men seem to…