Hair Splitting: The Impact Of Stress On Your Aging Hair
July 21, 2021
While we typically think of skin as the most visible outward sign of aging, some of us know that the real proof lies on our heads and in our brushes: thinning hair that breaks and is brittle, changing texture that leaves us confused as to how to style our hair,…
In Honor Of Dad: Some agebuzz Recommendations For Father’s Day Gifts
June 9, 2021
Whether for your own father, your children’s dad, or your grandchildren’s Pop-Pop, there’s likely a man in your life who should be celebrated this coming Father’s Day, June 20th. Just as we did for Mother’s Day, we’ve got some great recommendations for ways to celebrate your guy while keeping in…
Style and Stability: Say Hello To Bue, The Beautiful New Shower Chair
May 26, 2021
There’s a tendency when contemplating “aging in place”- and the equipment that may be needed to make that happen- that function automatically takes precedence over form- that it’s more important for the product to work than to look good. While some may be willing to settle for a useful product…
Easy Eight: Great Safety And Healthy Aging Gifts For Mother’s Day
April 28, 2021
With Mother’s Day around the corner, some of us may be struggling to find an appropriate gift, especially given the year we’ve all had. While frivolous items may come to mind, in fact, we’ve all learned the lesson this year of the importance of safe and healthy aging. With that…
Pave The Way: Adaptive Products That Allow You To Age In Place
April 28, 2021
It’s a truism we’ve addressed many times: most of us would prefer to “age in place” as we get older. We want to stay in a familiar environment, among the people and places we love, rather than move to a facility. But for many, physical impairment may accompany aging, so…
Women Of Influence: Older Women On Social Media
March 31, 2021
Whether on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, you’ve likely encountered older women who have made a name and face for themselves by becoming “Influencers.” These platforms have clearly gone beyond the territory of millennials as you can now encounter hundreds of sites with hashtags such as #over50style or #fashionatanyage that try…