Shaky Security? Updates On The Solvency Of Social Security
May 15, 2024
So you may have seen frightening or even hysterical headlines in recent days about the stability of the Social Security system. Given the millions of us who currently receive Social Security, or will soon apply (or those younger adults who hope the system is still in place and available when…
Are You Old? When Does “Old Age” Begin For You?
May 8, 2024
Have you reached that auspicious birthday at which point you now consider yourself “old?” In your mind, how old do you have to be to be considered old? According to new research published in the journal Psychology and Aging, our perceptions of what constitutes “old” have shifted as people have…
Solo Trips: The New Trend Of Older Women Traveling Solo
May 1, 2024
For many, the opportunity to travel is one of the great perks of entering our later years. Shedding work and family responsibilities that kept us busy during our younger days, we now have the opportunity to focus on our own interests and passions, forging ahead to new destinies that fill…
Back To Business: Has Your Retirement Been Deferred Or Derailed?
May 1, 2024
As we’ve previously noted, there is an increasing trend today for older workers to stay in, or return to, the workforce beyond the theoretical retirement age of 65 (the age at which Medicare kicks in for most people). While that trend reflects both older adults who enjoy their work lives…
Home Free? Can You Afford To Age In Place?
April 24, 2024
We’ve previously highlighted the fact that most older adults want to continue living in the community, rather than move to a long term care facility, as they get into their later years. Two new surveys confirm that sentiment. First, a recent survey by Fannie Mae has found that 56% of…
In Need Of Support: New Books Address Caregiver Challenges And Burdens
April 3, 2024
There are no two ways about it: Being a caregiver for a friend or loved one poses an enormous challenge to virtually everyone, as you try to balance the needs of your care recipient with your own, all the while learning “on the job” how to do the best you…