It Doesn’t Take Much: Lifestyle Tweaks To Sustain Your Brain
August 10, 2022
With continued disappointing news about forthcoming drugs to address Alzheimer’s, you might begin to despair that there’s little you can do to prevent an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis and that you may as well throw up your arms in distress. However, as we’ve pointed out in previous posts, there are…
Happy To Hear: New Podcast Recommendations
August 10, 2022
Whether you’re sitting on a beach, in a canoe, or at a lake during these dog days of August, chances are you may be looking for something fun and smart to listen to (if you’re not reading a great beach read). So, in our continuing quest to bring you new…
Get It On: Sex And Romance As Older Adults
August 10, 2022
While it may come as a surprise to young people, older adults- even very old adults- continue to have sex into their later years. While not universal, the numbers are still impressive. According to the National Poll on Health Aging, 40% of adults between the ages of 65-80 say they…
An Essential Connection: The Critical Importance Of Friendships
July 13, 2022
The Roman statesman Cicero once said, “Life is nothing without friendship.” For most of us, that statement rings true, even if we may not always live up to its promise. There are so many “involuntary” (yet important) relationships in our lives: our family, and our work colleagues, for example, and…
Retired Or Rehired? Are Older Adults Ending Retirement?
June 22, 2022
Comedy writer Gene Perret once said, “Retirement: it’s nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese.” And in today’s world, it’s not only the cheese that’s costly. Reports of rising costs and inflationary pressures are causing almost all retirees…
Break Some Rules: Dress However You Wish
June 15, 2022
So it’s that time of year when many of us, at least in our younger years, might have fretted over not having a “beach body” (whatever that’s supposed to mean). But now, most of us have likely come to terms with the way we look, the way we feel, and…