Best End Place: Figuring Out Your Retirement Destination
August 11, 2021
In your fantasy life, where’s your “forever” place? That place you see yourself relaxing in retirement, perhaps taking up some new outdoor activities or engaging in new cultural adventures. Or perhaps your fantasy is more exotic: maybe you’re thinking about leaving your home state or even your home country and…
Wealth And Health: Your Money May Help You Live Longer
July 28, 2021
While it may be true that money can’t buy you love, two new studies seem to confirm that it can buy you a longer life- that, in fact, there’s a direct correlation between your wealth and your health, so that if you aspire to a long life, you may want…
Xcellent: Check Out xBound, The New Website To Find Your Next Work Or Volunteer Opportunity
July 21, 2021
No doubt you’ve read that it’s a strange time for older workers and would-be retirees right now. Some have left the workforce earlier than anticipated (or desired), often due to COVID, while others hope to hang on in some capacity because of limited retirement savings- or even just want a…
Working Over Time: Older Adults Seek Later-In-Life Job and Income Opportunities
July 1, 2021
We’ve known for a while now that there are 2 contradictory trends happening at once: Because of the pandemic, there has been a surge of early retirements– some voluntary and some not- while at the same time, more older adults than ever plan to work well past the usual retirement…
Coverage Crisis: Medicare And The Movement To Expand Coverage
July 1, 2021
Anyone who has signed up for Medicare or is anticipating doing so in the foreseeable future knows that it can be a cumbersome and complex process, with lots of factors to consider and decisions to be made. While ample resources exist to help you understand the Medicare system, it’s always…
Suspicious Symptoms: Clues That A Dementia Diagnosis May Be In Your Future
December 2, 2020
Given the “warp-speed” development of what appear to be viable COVID vaccines, it would seem that almost anything is possible with enough scientific determination and grit. And yet, for those who are afflicted with dementia or those ultimately determined to have Alzheimer’s, there continue to be no real viable treatments…