Taking Advantage Of Our Seniors: How To Stop Financial Elder Abuse
November 10, 2021
It’s often a tightrope walk. When you have older loved ones who may be frail, isolated, or alone, there is always the concern that you protect them from harm even while respecting their autonomy and dignity. Perhaps in no area is this of more concern than when it comes to…
Reasons For Optimism: A New Era For Older Workers?
October 27, 2021
Despite the growing numbers of older adults continuing to work into their later years (it’s anticipated that 16 million Americans 65 and over will be working by 2030, as compared to 10.6 million right now), many surveys and opinion polls paint a somewhat dim picture of the current marketplace inhabited…
It’s That Time Again: Medicare Open Enrollment For 2022
October 13, 2021
Every year around this time, there’s the annual right of passage known as Medicare Open Enrollment. For those not yet on Medicare or without interest in the whole Medicare selection process, read no further. But for those of us on Medicare, new to Medicare, or with health conditions that are…
That Will Cost You: Caring For Yourself Or Loved Ones During The Later Years
October 6, 2021
It’s a mixed message for sure, but one to which we need to pay careful attention. In a new study out of the Center For Retirement Research at Boston College, experts found that the percentage of older adults needing long-term care services is a more nuanced picture than the media…
A Fast One: New Scams Targeting Seniors
September 8, 2021
Regardless of how smart, savvy or sophisticated you think you are, none of us is immune from being scammed, especially in such turbulent times. Whether you’re dealing with a loss due to COVID or have been seriously affected by any of the natural disasters that have wreaked havoc in the…
A Penny Saved: Availing Yourself Of Senior Discounts
August 25, 2021
Most of us are carefully counting our coins these days. With inflation high, interest rates low, and future current events uncertain, it’s a challenging time to be saving money and building up reserve funds- not to mention those of us who had to retire early or never quite saved sufficiently…