Moving On: Thoughtful Travel In Challenging Times
August 17, 2022
These are confusing times for travelers. When out and about, masks or no masks? When inside, what’s required? Vaccinations and boosters? Just the initial 2 doses? No proof at all? Moreover, given the economic times we’re in, with inflation running high, stock market fluctuations, and possible recession looming, is this…
Inflation Frustration: Cutting Costs By Rethinking Housing
July 27, 2022
Most of us are probably feeling the economic squeeze at this point. Gas prices and food costs are higher, interest rates and rents are rising and everything seems more expensive than it used to be. And there’s concrete data to support your suspicions. Inflation is now at its highest point…
Retired Or Rehired? Are Older Adults Ending Retirement?
June 22, 2022
Comedy writer Gene Perret once said, “Retirement: it’s nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese.” And in today’s world, it’s not only the cheese that’s costly. Reports of rising costs and inflationary pressures are causing almost all retirees…
It’s A Racket: Updates on Senior Scams
May 25, 2022
Perhaps you think you’re too smart to be scammed. Or believe you’re immune from being the target of fraud. Or you’re sure you’d never fall for some kind of swindle. Well, it’s nice to be confident but in the current environment, you’d also have to be really lucky not to…
Double Up: Innovative (And Less Expensive) Housing Ideas
March 2, 2022
It’s tough out there. With the world in turmoil, inflation rampant, and COVID still present, no one knows for sure what tomorrow brings. But many of us do know that no matter how much we planned or how much money we saved, we may still have trouble supporting ourselves in…
I’m “Giving It Twice,” Helping My Son & Leaving a Lasting Legacy By Kathleen Rehl
November 17, 2021
Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus “I’m going to jail, Mom! But I didn’t do it.” My biracial son’s frantic phone call from a police station over 1,000 miles away made me tear into mama bear mode. With the help of effective, expensive legal and professional…