Cheat Sheet: Why Do Older People Fall For Frauds
May 4, 2018
How many times have you heard this story: an older person, usually cautious in life, has somehow been conned into sending money to some far-flung place. Maybe it’s even happened to you or your loved ones. How to explain this vulnerability to being scammed in otherwise smart, careful people? Well,…
On The Money: Can You Afford A Longer Life?
April 27, 2018
They say that money can’t buy you love- but what about a longer life? Those with significant financial resources may be able to obtain the health care and supports needed to increase life expectancy, and thus create the latest arena of inequality. According to Bloomberg, longevity inequality is the successor to…
At Will: Your Responsibilities When A Loved One Passes
March 13, 2018
It’s tough enough when a loved one passes away. But in the aftermath, your potential responsibilities, especially if you’re the executor of a will, can be confusing and challenging. Every situation is different, and the laws vary from state to state, so your first stop is probably to determine whether…
Work Around: Figuring Out The Next Steps For Women Who Retire
February 27, 2018
Leaving the workforce to retire can bring you to a real crossroads: It may be a moment to seize the day and change your life course in a new direction, or it may be a time of dread, wondering what your identity is now that your professional profile is gone….
Plan Ahead: Good Time To Review Your Estate Plans and Possessions
February 8, 2018
Given the new tax law just implemented by Washington, now may be the time, for those of you lucky enough to have substantial assets, to check in with your estate planner to see if any changes are warranted. Next Avenue has a helpful list of questions to ask as you…
Stand Guard: Protecting Loved Ones From Identity Theft And Social Security Fraud
February 1, 2018
For virtually all seniors, social security plays an important role in their financial health and well being. And for savvy computer hackers, it’s a rich target for identity theft and financial scams. A recent report in Reuters describes how the push to encourage seniors to create online social security accounts…