All Together: Where Do You Keep Your Important Papers?
June 21, 2018
If an emergency happens, and time is of the essence, would your spouse or your loved ones know where to find your important paperwork? Do you even have one central place where all of your critical information is together? If your essential info is all on paper, do you have…
Show Me The Money: Inheritance Expectations In The 21st Century
June 14, 2018
Money- you can’t live without it but you can’t take it with you. So how are you thinking about your future finances as you age? Are you hoping to inherit money from senior loved ones to get you through your final years? Are you planning to spend it all before…
How Much Does It Cost? Start Asking Questions About Your Medications
June 11, 2018
For those of us lucky enough to have insurance coverage for medication costs, we assume that no matter what our co-pay, we must be saving money over the “actual” cost of the medications. But it turns out that may not be a correct assumption. Reporter Susan Jaffe, in a post…
Poverty At The Door: Consequences From Being An Impoverished Senior
June 1, 2018
It’s never easy to live in today’s world if you don’t have enough money. Couple the challenges of being impoverished with the realities of being a senior, and the consequences multiply- sometimes with life-altering impact. Take, for example, a new study out of University College of London and just published…
Work It Out: Turns Out Older Workers May Suddenly Be More Attractive
May 23, 2018
There’s no doubt that, as both individuals and a society more broadly, we’re all struggling with the balance between aging, work and retirement. For some, money complicates the picture. For others, loss of the social connections from work leaves them re-thinking retirement. In fact, there is now a trend called “unretirement,”…
Dollars and Sense: Making The Most Of Your Money During Retirement
May 17, 2018
In a recent Gallup survey of Americans about retirement concerns, one thing stands out pretty clearly: for those who have yet to retire, concern about outliving your money looms large. Those already retired are more optimistic about having sufficient funds to keep them going but for those thinking about retiring, there…