At A Good Clip: Advice For Overseas Travel And Retirement
January 15, 2019
For those of you approaching retirement, or comfortably settled into it, you’re likely eager to explore new horizons or pursue personal fulfillment. In fact, one recent survey found that 57% of Americans want to travel abroad when they retire, while 12% plan to live abroad. If you plan to vacation…
Love And Loss: Facing Finances When A Spouse Dies
January 9, 2019
You may not realize it but 1.4 million women become widows each year. For most, it’s likely the most tumultuous and devastating occurrence in their lives. And for many older women, it’s also the first time in their lives that they truly need to grapple with the family finances. In…
Start-Up: You’re Never Too Old To Try Out A New Idea
January 2, 2019
New year, new business? Whether you’re retired or thinking of leaving your current job, or in need of a new line of work, one thing in today’s economy is clear: You’re never too old to start a new business or try your hand at something new. As a seasoned person…
Clean Sweep: Strategies For Decluttering, Downsizing And Determining What You Need
January 2, 2019
Is this the year? Will you finally begin to go through the boxes, piles, and pictures that are cluttering your cabinets and crowding your closets? While there are some mental health benefits to waxing nostalgically over long ago memories and faded photos, chances are there’s also some anxiety about the…
Money Matters: Issues When Managing Someone Else’s Money
December 5, 2018
If you’re a family caregiver, chances are you’re not only providing physical, hands-on help but likely also helping with paying bills and money management. Whether you’re doing it in collaboration with your loved one or more officially through a power of attorney or even guardianship appointment, you need to know…
Safe And Sound? Scams And Concerns Facing Social Security
October 3, 2018
For many of us, it’s the lifeline of our retirement financial security. Estimates are that for nearly half of us over age 65, 50% of our income comes from Social Security. And for nearly ¼ of us, Social Security amounts to almost 90% of our retirement income. That’s a big…