All In The Family: The Challenges Of Being A Family Caregiver
April 24, 2019
While you can feel enormous satisfaction from being a family caregiver, the burdens and sacrifices are real and substantial. A recent seminal report from AARP makes clear that the challenges faced by today’s family caregivers are growing more complicated. The report, Home Alone Revisited: Family Members Providing Complex Care, details…
Family Matters: Expectations And Interactions With Adult Children
April 17, 2019
It’s pretty common among those of us with adult children to want to do all we can to help them. And for good reason: Millennials came of age during a time of financial crisis, exploding student debt and when helicopter parenting came into vogue. It’s no wonder that there are…
A Piece Of The Action: Part-Time Work For Your Later Years
March 6, 2019
It may seem counter-intuitive, but for many, the search for work, especially part-time, often begins at the moment of retirement from full-time employment. In fact, those over 65 are much more likely to work part-time than younger colleagues, either because of a desire for a more relaxed pace or because…
Left Behind: What Kind Of Legacy Are You Planning?
February 13, 2019
It’s probably a topic you’d rather avoid, but since none of us leaves this earth alive, the question is relevant for all: How do you want to be remembered? According to author and sociologist Lyndsay Green, writing in her new book, The Well-Lived Life: Live with Purpose and Be Remembered,…
For Love Or Money: Financial Support For Adult Children And Grandchildren
February 8, 2019
If you’ve got a grandchild, you probably understand the impulse to do everything you can to help out. And these days, it seems like nothing says “I love you” more than cold hard cash. A recent piece in The Atlantic outlines the significant scope of financial support that grandparents are…
Wide Open: Growing Alarm About Senior Swindles
February 6, 2019
You probably think it will never happen to you, or your parents. You’re too smart to be swindled out of your money. You know a scam when you see one- or maybe… you don’t. It turns out that banks alone have seen a 12% increase in financial abuse of senior…