In Working Order: Navigating The Workplace As An Older Worker
June 26, 2019
You may not realize it, but if you’re of “traditional retirement age,” yet find yourself getting up each morning to head to the office, you’re part of a growing trend: older people who remain in the workplace well beyond the age that is typical for retirement. And whether it’s money,…
A King’s Ransom: The Unending Rise of Medication Costs
June 5, 2019
You probably didn’t need a new study to confirm this fact: the costs of the most popular medications keep rising and there seems no end in sight to the uptick. Published in JAMA, this new study looked at drug pricing for 49 common, top-selling brand-name drugs, and the findings were…
Scam Alert: Fight Back Against Those Trying Cheat You
May 17, 2019
Raise your hand if regularly receive robocalls from strangers hoping to separate you from your money or personal info. It’s not your imagination that these calls are more frequent. They’re on the rise across the country, and may specifically target older people who are considered easy prey for savvy or…
Dollar For Dollar: Determining Your Financial Strategy As A New Widow
May 1, 2019
Ladies, you probably need no reminders that due to longer life spans, women are more likely than men to lose a spouse. Experiencing loss is heartbreaking and traumatic. On top of grieving, it can be overwhelming to deal with such new “life logistics” as investments and other money matters. Because…
Chew On This: Are You Taking Good Care Of Your Teeth As You Age?
April 24, 2019
Whether it’s fear of pain or bankruptcy, many of us avoid going to the dentist as long as possible. While the discomfort of dental procedures is no laughing matter, and there may even be procedures you feel are unnecessary, it’s indisputable that proper dental care is essential for your physical…
Money’s Worth: Do You Take Advantage Of Senior Discounts?
April 24, 2019
Who can resist a bargain? Well, if it’s tied to revealing your age, some of us apparently think twice. For many, paying full price is the cost of maintaining the illusion that we have not reached a “mature” age. But given that AARP membership discounts start at age 50, claiming…