In And Out Of Love: Relationship Consequences As You Get Older
September 4, 2019
For some, that old adage, “can’t live with them, can’t live without them” captures the dilemma of a long marriage. While years of marriage may bring comfort and intimacy, for many, the decades together can lead to pain and misery. So much so that “gray divorce” continues to be on…
The End Game: Knowing What To Do When A Loved One Dies
June 5, 2019
Sometimes you have time to plan and strategize in advance- and sometimes you don’t. When a loved one dies, there are innumerable consequences- some logistical, some legal, some financial, some emotional- that inevitably follow. And while everyone has a different path to chart when a loved one passes away, there…
Get Ahead: Making Decisions Before You Have A Health Crisis
April 10, 2019
Have you marked your calendar? April 16th is coming. For those who don’t know, that’s National Health Care Decisions Day, a day to remind us to plan for health care decisions in advance of a health crisis. For any adult, young or old, healthy or sick, it’s valuable to consider…
Protect Yourself: The Benefits Of Hiring An Elder Law Attorney
April 3, 2019
By the time we reach our later years, we carry a lifetime of experiences and relationships, with all of the complexities that can accompany a richly lived life- not to mention the physical and mental health challenges that can also arise as we get older. Occasionally these complexities create legal…
Left Behind: What Kind Of Legacy Are You Planning?
February 13, 2019
It’s probably a topic you’d rather avoid, but since none of us leaves this earth alive, the question is relevant for all: How do you want to be remembered? According to author and sociologist Lyndsay Green, writing in her new book, The Well-Lived Life: Live with Purpose and Be Remembered,…
Work At It: The Growing Number Of Older Workers In The Workforce
January 30, 2019
Demographic trends make one thing abundantly clear: as time goes on, more older workers will be a part of the workforce. Statistics are that 85% of current Baby Boomers plan to work well into their 70s and even beyond. Whether for financial security or the desire to continue to be…