Go With A Plan: Have You Written Your Advance Care Planning Documents?
April 14, 2021
In the early months of the pandemic, especially when it became clear that older adults were at high risk of serious illness or even death from COVID, there was the hope that advance care planning (documenting your wishes regarding end-of-life care and appointing a health care proxy to speak on…
Bias Busting: New Efforts And Urgency To Combat Ageism
April 14, 2021
Have you encountered it? Perhaps it was a patronizing tone from someone you asked for help. Or perhaps it was the loss of a promotion at your office or the silence when you recently applied for a new job? Or, if you live in a less-developed country, perhaps you lost…
At The End: The Ongoing Dilemma of Physician Aid-In-Dying
April 7, 2021
If there’s one silver lining that may emerge from the COVID pandemic, it may be our societal recognition that death is very much a part of life, and often requires the same sort of thoughtful planning we inevitably give to other life milestones. If you’re fortunate and considerate of your…
Health And Wealth: How Is Your Estate Planning Going?
November 18, 2020
Maybe you’re prepared but the pandemic has reminded you to make sure that your plans are up-to-date. Or maybe you’ve never taken the time to write a will but the recent loss of loved ones has shocked you into realizing that none of us leaves this earth alive. Whatever the…
Vote Of Confidence? Lots Of Obstacles To Voting This Fall
September 2, 2020
Anyone with a pulse is probably aware that we are heading toward consequential elections this fall and that voters are likely to face many obstacles, whether they plan to vote in person or by mail. Especially for older voters, who in previous elections showed up at the polls in greater…
Cast Your Vote: Rethinking How We Vote During 2020
April 22, 2020
If there’s one thing to be said for older adults, we show up at the polls- both as voters and as workers. While older voters tend to show up at elections more than other demographic age groups, you may not realize that older adults form the largest block of poll…