Place Holder: Help To Ensure You Can Age In Place
January 16, 2019
It’s safe to say that most of us want to continue to live in our own homes as we head into retirement and beyond. In fact, with the advent of “app” based services, where virtually anything can be delivered to your home with a few clicks, it seems like the home…
Clean Sweep: Strategies For Decluttering, Downsizing And Determining What You Need
January 2, 2019
Is this the year? Will you finally begin to go through the boxes, piles, and pictures that are cluttering your cabinets and crowding your closets? While there are some mental health benefits to waxing nostalgically over long ago memories and faded photos, chances are there’s also some anxiety about the…
Between The Ages: Why You Need Younger People In Your Life- And They Need You
November 14, 2018
The statistics suggest it’s a growing trend- for the past two decades the number of three-generation households has doubled in the United States. The possible reasons are many and complex: fewer marriages and more single parents, rising housing costs, increased longevity among seniors and other possibilities. Sometimes these arrangements are…
Help Yourself: Hire A Neighbor With The New Start-Up “Umbrella”
August 30, 2018
Aging in place may be the goal for most of us, but making repairs in that place is another matter. For example, can you get up on a ladder to change the battery in a smoke detector? And what about when your appliances are on the fritz or your air…
Shacking Up: House Sharing As You Age
August 23, 2018
You may or may not have fond memories of your college dorm days- negotiating shared space, jockeying for some privacy in the bathroom, etc. For some, the idea of sharing space as a grown adult is unwelcome- unless and until we have no choice. However, it seems that the concept…
Scaling Down: Challenges In Moving To Smaller Homes
June 28, 2018
So you’ve made the decision: the house is too large, the possessions too many. Time to simplify your life and scale down your living arrangement. Now what? Once that momentous decision is made, the real work begins. Trying to sell your large suburban or rural home may be a challenge given that…