Safe House: Where Will You Be Happiest Living Going Forward?
April 21, 2021
As we’ve previously highlighted in agebuzz, the pandemic has led many of us to consider, and reconsider, our current housing arrangements and what we may need and want going forward. It’s not just a matter of choosing an individual house, apartment, or senior living arrangement. It’s also a matter of…
Mess And Emotions: Move Beyond Your Feelings To Discard Your Clutter
April 14, 2021
Many of us had great expectations. We saw the enforced downtime during the pandemic as an ideal opportunity to clean out and throw out: to get rid of the junk that’s cluttered our homes and stuffed our drawers for way too long. If you were able to do that, congratulations….
Staying Home: Aging In Place Now More Than Ever
March 10, 2021
If nothing else, this past year has probably got you thinking about where and how you want to live going forward. You’ve probably had more than ample time to consider your four walls and everything else in your living environment, along with the distances you are from the things (and…
A Clean Slate: A Slew Of New Guidance On How To Declutter and Downsize
January 20, 2021
Many of us would like to grab a metaphorical broom and sweep away all of our 2020 memories. And some of us are more than ready to take a literal broom to our current lives, to rid ourselves of the clutter and chaos that have built up over these past…
House Bound: Housing Considerations For Older Adults Post Pandemic
September 9, 2020
Whether young or old, it’s likely that the COVID pandemic has left you questioning where you want to live and under what circumstances. Wherever you call home, you’ve likely never thought so much about where you live and whether you should move. For older adults, for whom transitional and new…
A Way Of Life: What Will Be The New Normal For Senior Housing In The Future?
June 3, 2020
If there’s perhaps a silver lining to the coronavirus outbreak, it’s the light that’s been shone on older adults and the often suboptimal choices they face when it comes to housing. In particular, we’ve seen stark imagery of the understaffed and frankly dismal options older adults may confront when it…