Come Hell Or High Water: Will You Be Prepared If Disaster Strikes?
October 12, 2022
Life is always a series of trade-offs – weighing the risks versus benefits of your decisions. For many, especially those who have retired, choosing a place to spend retirement years may mean prioritizing good weather or leisure activities and a low-cost lifestyle over the risk of occasional bad weather. Retirees…
What’s Left Behind: Who Bears The Burden Of Getting Rid Of Your Possessions?
August 17, 2022
Though we’ve addressed the topic previously, and there are lots of good ideas out there about how to discard unnecessary or unneeded items cluttering your home, chances are most of you continue to have way too many possessions filling your closets or cupboards, with little likelihood of ridding yourself of…
Inflation Frustration: Cutting Costs By Rethinking Housing
July 27, 2022
Most of us are probably feeling the economic squeeze at this point. Gas prices and food costs are higher, interest rates and rents are rising and everything seems more expensive than it used to be. And there’s concrete data to support your suspicions. Inflation is now at its highest point…
Lessen Your Load: Are You Beginning To Get Rid Of Stuff?
May 25, 2022
Here’s a stunning statistic: In the United States right now, there are more self-storage facilities (about 50,000) than there are McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger Kings, Starbucks, and Walmarts combined. We are clearly a nation that has more stuff than we need or are using. And whether we want to downsize our…
Trading Places: Where Do You Want To Live Going Forward?
May 4, 2022
If you’re one of the legions of people who have retired (or have been “retired”) in the wake of the pandemic, or if the pandemic has pushed you to reconsider what’s important in your life, you may now be pondering where in the world to go. Maybe it’s time to…
Home Sweet Home: What Are Your Plans To Age In Place?
April 20, 2022
It’s been long assumed that most people want to grow older living in the community rather than moving to an assisted living facility or some other institutional setting (though remember, as we posted recently, “aging-in-place” often necessitates outside support and communal efforts to be successful). Demographically, it’s been estimated that…