Grandmothers Of America: Photos And Words Of American Matriarchs
February 2, 2022
It’s been said that no one can love you more than your grandmother. Certainly, the bonds between a grandmother and grandchild are often unlike any other relationship and can last a lifetime. For 2 young photographers, bound by their love of their own grandmothers and in search of a meaningful…
Do Your Own Thing: Post Pandemic Fashion Trends
June 16, 2021
You may remember that last summer was the summer of the house dress or the nap dress, an item of clothing that reflected our uncertainty about whether we could leave the house and how casual we could dress, given the times and circumstances. This summer may instead be all about…
Relationships Resumed: Grandparents and Grandchildren Getting Back Together
May 5, 2021
So, how long has it been for you? Eight months? Twelve months? Fourteen months? If you’re a grandparent, you’ve likely been counting the months (or, let’s face it, days) since the last time you had an in-person hug and kiss from your grandchild. While most of us have Zoomed and…
Distance Learning: Grandparents Reading Remotely With Grandchildren
September 9, 2020
Anyone with young children or grandchildren in their lives knows that this year back to school is fraught with anxieties and uncertainties. For grandparents, in particular, this is a time of real confusion. If you are raising your grandchildren or providing childcare, then you face the risk of coronavirus infection…
Celebrating While Social Distancing: Some Father’s Day Gift Ideas
June 17, 2020
No matter what your age or circumstance, this coming Sunday’s Father’s Day celebration is likely to be unusual. Many of us won’t be able to spend time in person with beloved dads or granddads, and many of us are in no mood to celebrate, given illness, activism, or financial limitations….
Near And Far: Grandparent & Grandchild Relationships During This Time
May 20, 2020
Whether you live 2 miles or 200 miles from your grandchildren, this is a challenging time to be a grandparent. Your age and health may put you at greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and your children and grandchildren are therefore likely keeping their distance no matter how distressing…