Resilience And Resistance: Defying The Presumption Of Inevitable Mental Decline
January 27, 2021
For some of us, every birthday that passes and every memory lapse instills a fear of what may come: that is, many of us worry about an inevitable slip in our mental capacity or a slide into the world of dementia. Maybe it “runs in our family” or maybe we’ve…
News You Can Use: Some Recent COVID-19 Updates
November 4, 2020
As we enter our 9th month of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to take stock of what we’ve learned and to keep track of new information as it arises. You can find every agebuzz post touching on some aspect of the coronavirus pandemic here and you can rest assured that…
Early Indication: Apathy May Signal The Onset Of Dementia
October 21, 2020
While we know that healthy lifestyle behaviors can lessen the risk of being stricken with dementia and even slow the pace once symptoms of mild cognitive impairment appear, ultimately we still have little in our arsenal to stop brain deterioration from dementia once it’s taken hold. That makes it all…
No Time To Retire: Older Workers In Today’s Marketplace
October 7, 2020
For a while now there’s been a growing awareness that reaching “retirement age” doesn’t necessarily mean we can or will actually “retire”. Even before COVID, many of us could not afford to retire when we reached our mid-60s because we had insufficient savings to allow us to go on without…
Our Perception Of Aging Is Old Fashioned: Attitudes Need To Change
September 30, 2020
Congratulations to all of us “older adults:” Today, October 1st, is the International Day of Older Persons, begun 30 years ago by the United Nations. The goal of this celebration is to raise awareness of the issues that older adults confront and to appreciate the contributions that older adults make…
Aging Myths And Emerging Trends: What Is And Isn’t Likely To Happen?
September 9, 2020
The numbers don’t lie and they portend a phenomenon that we’ve never experienced before in human history. In less than 2 decades, the United States will join other nations around the world in encompassing a truly aging population. It’s predicted that by 2034, we will have more people over age…