Against The Clock: Owning Your Age As An Older Worker
October 30, 2019
The data are pretty startling unless you’re an older worker, in which case they may be all too familiar. In a recent study by Hiscox Business Insurance of workers over age 40, nearly 45% of respondents said they, or someone they know, have experienced age discrimination in the workplace. 36%…
On The Brain: Researchers Strategize About Next Steps For Alzheimer’s
October 23, 2019
Generally speaking, the news about Alzheimer’s continues to be sobering. Right now, close to 6 million people have Alzheimer’s in the US, and up to 47 million people worldwide, with expectations that those numbers could skyrocket in the decades to come. As populations age (and the risk of Alzheimer’s increases…
Intense Or Estranged: What’s Your Grandparenting Situation?
September 25, 2019
Any of you who are grandparents likely understand that your relationship with your grandchildren is only as good as your relationship with their parents. Those who are close with their adult children are likely to have a closer relationship with the grandchildren than those whose adult children are estranged or…
Strength Training: Learning How To Support Aging Parents
September 25, 2019
Whether it’s an immediate need or something you can foresee in the years to come, many of us will face the challenge of providing care and support to aging parents. As noted geriatrician Leslie Kernisan wisely states, “Only a minority of people transition from being fully independent to deceased, with…
Behind The Eight Ball: What It’s Like Being In Your 80s
September 18, 2019
If you or a loved one are approaching your 80s, congratulations- you’re part of a growing trend. The 85+ age range is the fastest-growing group of older adults in our country, and estimates are that by 2050, ¼ of all older adults will be over 85- nearly 19 million Americans….
Not Enough: Too Many Seniors Have Too Little Food
September 4, 2019
You know the feeling: you’re hungry and think about eating something. And if you can’t get to food right away, the hunger begins to gnaw at you, making it difficult to concentrate or even causing you to feel a bit faint or fatigued. But do you know what real, ongoing…