City Living: Older Adults And Urban Life
January 29, 2020
So maybe you’ve always had the dream of returning to “the city” in which you spent your early adult years. Or maybe you’ve cherished the occasional weekend away to experience being a cultured urban warrior. And now, in your later years, you may actually have the opportunity to make the…
Solitary Seniors: Updates On Loneliness And Social Isolation Among Seniors
January 29, 2020
It’s no mystery that loneliness and social isolation can accompany aging. Previous posts in agebuzz have noted the value of friendships and even pets to help older adults battle the loneliness and isolation that can arise if your social contacts are few, your senses are diminished, your mobility is limited…
What’s Ahead: Predictions For An Aging Population In The 2020s
January 22, 2020
While no one can predict exactly what lies ahead, those in the know are using demographic data and trends to paint a rather worrisome picture for the next decade as the number of older adults rises both in the US and across the globe. According to demographer Dudley Poston, the…
Work Some Fat Off: New Reasons And Strategies For Slimming Your Physique
January 1, 2020
At this point, the evidence is pretty incontrovertible. Obesity is a public health epidemic in the United States, and, according to a new report in the New England Journal of Medicine, predictions are that by 2030, ½ of all American adults will be obese and nearly ¼ will be categorized…
Disrupting Aging: Can Growing Older Be Slowed Or Even Stopped?
December 4, 2019
For millennia, people have been conditioned to accept that growing older and eventually dying are inherent aspects of the human condition. That seems to be the one universal law of nature – or is it? In recent years, scientists have reconsidered the inevitability of the aging process, and we’re now…
Aging And Asking: Will You Need To Financially Support Your Aging Parents?
November 20, 2019
It could be an awkward conversation, one complicated by taboos around discussing money matters or confronting long-standing family baggage. But many of us will face this situation, either for ourselves or as the adult children of those in need: that is, the dilemma of adult children who need to step…