Dementia Demographics: Turns Out Dementia Is More Prevalent Than We Realized
September 2, 2020
It’s difficult enough to be a caregiver for a person with dementia under normal circumstances. Now factor in the additional stressors from the pandemic- changing work schedules, limited visitors, social isolation, etc.- and you can easily understand what dementia patients and their caregivers (both paid and unpaid) are experiencing as…
Vote Of Confidence? Lots Of Obstacles To Voting This Fall
September 2, 2020
Anyone with a pulse is probably aware that we are heading toward consequential elections this fall and that voters are likely to face many obstacles, whether they plan to vote in person or by mail. Especially for older voters, who in previous elections showed up at the polls in greater…
Where Should You Live: The Connection Between Geography And Aging
August 26, 2020
We’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating: Where you live may have a direct impact on your health and longevity. Evidence continues to mount about the differences in policies, protocols, and environment as you go from one state to another and it quickly becomes apparent that your choice of…
Nip It In The Bud: Ways To Prevent or Delay Dementia
August 5, 2020
You already know the drill: right now we have few effective treatments to help persons afflicted with dementia. And given that estimates are that 50 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with dementia, that’s a tremendous amount of suffering and burden on both patients and their caregivers. If there’s any…
agebuzz Updates: Older Adults And COVID-19
July 8, 2020
The news regarding the coronavirus continues to evolve, as we learn more about how it attacks the body, the symptoms it causes, the varying rates of infection among different groups, and the levels of risk associated with certain activities. At this point, we know this virus is quite different from…
A Hot Mess: Serious Health Concerns As The Weather Heats Up
June 24, 2020
With the arrival of summer, it’s important once again to make sure everyone understands the health hazards of hot weather, especially for older adults. Previous agebuzz posts on this important topic have spelled out the array of health concerns that surface when older adults are exposed to hot weather and…