Push The Positive: Promoting Age As An Asset Rather Than A Liability
August 25, 2021
Despite the growing number of older adults in our population, it seems that many of us in our later years still face strong headwinds when it comes to bucking ageist attitudes. While only comprising 16% of the population in 2017, adults over age 60 will constitute 22% of the population…
Bias Busting: New Efforts And Urgency To Combat Ageism
April 14, 2021
Have you encountered it? Perhaps it was a patronizing tone from someone you asked for help. Or perhaps it was the loss of a promotion at your office or the silence when you recently applied for a new job? Or, if you live in a less-developed country, perhaps you lost…
Women Of Influence: Older Women On Social Media
March 31, 2021
Whether on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, you’ve likely encountered older women who have made a name and face for themselves by becoming “Influencers.” These platforms have clearly gone beyond the territory of millennials as you can now encounter hundreds of sites with hashtags such as #over50style or #fashionatanyage that try…
Don’t Buy Into It: The Harm Of Ageist Stereotypes
February 24, 2021
Throughout the pandemic (and even before that) we’ve been tracking the ageist attitudes and impact that ageism can have on older adults. Whether it’s been questioning the provision of limited COVID treatments for older adults or the layoffs of older workers during the economic downturn (not to mention the often…
A New Age: Checking Yourself And Your Environment For Ageist Attitudes
January 6, 2021
If there’s one thing that’s come through loud and clear during the pandemic, it’s that older adults have, at best, an ambiguous place in our society. Most impulses during COVID have been to either protect or abandon older adults, neither of which is respectful toward older individuals, who are as…
Our Perception Of Aging Is Old Fashioned: Attitudes Need To Change
September 30, 2020
Congratulations to all of us “older adults:” Today, October 1st, is the International Day of Older Persons, begun 30 years ago by the United Nations. The goal of this celebration is to raise awareness of the issues that older adults confront and to appreciate the contributions that older adults make…