Back To Business: Has Your Retirement Been Deferred Or Derailed?
May 1, 2024
As we’ve previously noted, there is an increasing trend today for older workers to stay in, or return to, the workforce beyond the theoretical retirement age of 65 (the age at which Medicare kicks in for most people). While that trend reflects both older adults who enjoy their work lives…
By All Appearances: Accepting Your Appearance As You Age
April 10, 2024
How do you think you look compared to your peers? Do you all look about the same age? Would someone think you’re younger than your same-aged friends? Do you think you look younger than your chronological age? Does it even matter one way or another about whether you look young…
The Doctor Will (Or Won’t) See You Now: Strategies For Receiving Health Care These Days
March 27, 2024
It’s not just you. According to a new study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, older adults spend an average of 3 weeks each year devoted to obtaining routine healthcare- whether it’s a doctor’s appointment, a medical test, a procedure, or some other contact with the healthcare system. Even scarier…
Worked Up: The Increasing Number Of Older Workers Reflects Both Progress & Problems
March 13, 2024
If you’re an older worker, congratulations are in order as you celebrate: This week of March 10-16, 2024 is National Older Workers Employment Week in the United States. So take out the noise makers, cut the cake, and let’s take a look at some of the progress and problems that…
Old News: The Place Of Age In Electoral Politics
February 28, 2024
This is not a post about politics, per se. It’s for you to judge the policies, accomplishments, and character of the likely 2 presidential nominees, and whom you choose to vote for is your own business. But what is an important topic for consideration is the current national quandary we…
Style Guide: Are Older Women Now Fashionable?
November 1, 2023
When you think about the campaigns of high-end luxury fashion houses, you’re likely wondering which glamorous celebrity or movie star has lent her face to the promotional ads. Maybe Kim Kardashian? Margot Robbie? Nicole Kidman? Maggie Smith? Wait, Maggie Smith? Yes, you’ve read that correctly. The Spanish luxury fashion house…