Mind Over Madness: Taking Up A Yoga Practice During The Pandemic
April 22, 2020
You’re not alone if you’ve reached the point in your quarantine where you’re beginning to feel a bit crazy. The news continues to be somber, the uncertainty hasn’t ceased and the summer is approaching- but you’re likely to spend much of your time indoors if the coronavirus has its way….
Out Of This World: Thinking About Future Travel Plans
April 15, 2020
Chances are you, or someone you know has had to cancel upcoming travel plans due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus. If you’re healthy and safe, that’s perhaps not such a terrible ordeal but rather a disappointment and maybe inconvenience. But many of us who are at a later…
Delightful Distractions: Ways To Entertain Yourself Right Now
April 8, 2020
Some of us are feeling the need to be useful and enhance our skills during this forced downtime. Others need a release from the guilt of not trying to be productive. No matter which way you fall in this divide, all of us need some pleasant distractions to make us…
Listen To This: Now Is The Time To Take Up Podcasts
March 25, 2020
Do you ever wonder why so many people seem to have earphones or headphones on all of the time? Is it just to tune out the world? More likely, it’s to tune in to an engaging and enlightening broadcast on an interesting topic. If that’s not a familiar concept to…
Travel Bug: Ideas For Planning Your Next Travel Adventure
January 22, 2020
Given the new year, it’s likely many are planning travel adventures for the months to come. If you’re a baby boomer, marketing experts think they have you pegged for a certain kind of travel, including why you’ll travel, where you’ll likely go and what accommodations you’ll want. But regardless of…
State Of The Arts: More Support For Engaging With The Arts As An Older Adult
January 1, 2020
So, did you catch a show during the holidays? Do you have a museum excursion planned for the new year? If not, you need to get going- because there’s new evidence to support the value of cultural engagement for everyone, especially older adults. First up is a recent study…