Accent The Positive: A Good Attitude Leads To Better Health
January 5, 2022
The French philosopher and writer Voltaire is thought to have once said, “I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” Despite living in the 18th century, Voltaire was onto something relevant and recognized today: a focus on positive thinking not only will help with your…
Upbeat: Your Brain Can Actually Improve With Age
August 25, 2021
Many of us expect the worst: as we get older, we presume that our brainpower will diminish, our cognition will decline and our brains will be vulnerable to the ravages of dementia. That’s certainly the prevailing imagery we see in the mainstream media. But in fact, there’s something not quite…
Song And Dance: Sashay Your Way To Better Health
August 4, 2021
It was once said, “There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them.” What also seems to be true is that dancing can be a “shortcut” to other aspects of physical and emotional well-being. Both from ongoing research and the insights of those who have spent their lives…
Game On: New Research Connects Cognitive Activity With Delayed Dementia
July 28, 2021
No matter your age or abilities, most of us find playing a game, either alone or in a group, to be engaging and enjoyable. In fact, during the pandemic, there’s evidence of a substantial uptick in video game popularity, even among older adults, as a way to connect with loved…
Blaze A Trail: Hiking Is A Great Post-Pandemic Outdoor Activity
June 23, 2021
Now that you’re reacquainted with the outdoor world and hopefully recommitted to physical exercise, you may be excited to combine movement with adventure and walking with wandering in nature. If so, hiking – whether on a formally marked trail or just off the beaten path- can be just the ticket…
Competitive Edge: The Benefits Of Athletic Competition As An Older Adult
June 16, 2021
Some of us have a hard enough time getting off the couch on any particular day. Others understand the significant boost to health and well-being that exercise can provide, especially if we abide by the expert recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week. Then…