Yoga For Health & Well Being: An Interview with Yoga Teacher Louise Applebome
November 10, 2021
No doubt, as an agebuzz reader, you’re likely aware of the physical and mental health benefits to be derived from practicing yoga. Yet some of you may still be reluctant to consider joining a yoga class or doing yoga in the privacy of your own home. If you’re not familiar…
Dream House: Have You Figured Out The Ideal Spot For Your Later Years?
November 3, 2021
For most of us approaching, or in, our later years, the discussion of where to live can be fraught with emotion and indecision. Whether we can stay in the place we’ve been or be better off relocating, there are so many considerations that it can be mind-boggling. What feels right…
Reading The Tea Leaves: New Insights Into The Benefits Of Tea
November 3, 2021
Often touted as “a miracle beverage,” there are innumerable articles, including on agebuzz, about the physical and brain health benefits of tea, especially green tea. While the scientific data to support many of these claims is limited, there are some known facts, and new scientific studies, that support the health…
A Grain Of Salt: Great Health Benefits For Even Small Reductions In Salt Intake
October 20, 2021
Are you a sweet or salty person? When the going gets tough, do you crave a chocolate chip or a potato chip? They both have their pleasures- and perils- for you. Both sugar and salt can lead to significant health problems if they’re not limited in your daily diet. In…
MIND Over Matter: A Diet To Help You Stay Cognitively Resilient
October 13, 2021
No doubt you know the benefits of eating a healthy diet by now. We’ve sung the praises of the Mediterranean diet on numerous occasions, as a way to help maintain your heart health, tamp down inflammation and even allow you to live a longer, healthier life. But what about your…
Food As Medicine: The Connection Between What You Eat And How You Age
September 22, 2021
No doubt you’ve heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While that’s not literally true, there’s solid science behind the concept that the food you eat, and the nutrients that make up that food, can have a profound effect on how your body ages and…