Superstars: Why Do Some Of Us Stay So Sharp And Capable As We Age?
November 30, 2022
You’ve likely met them before, or perhaps you are even one of them: Able to recall vivid details from events long in the past, constantly on the prowl to read new books and learn new information, even playing a robust game of tennis at an age that most of us…
Food For Life: What, And How, You Eat Can Determine Your Future Health
November 16, 2022
With the holidays approaching, the days becoming shorter, and the weather more conducive to indoor activities, food can take on outsize importance. Thus it’s a good time to review and reinforce the notion that as you age, you are what you eat. What you eat and drink, the quantities you…
Long Story Short: Brief Bouts Of Exercise Can Get Big Results
November 2, 2022
Most of us have good intentions when it comes to exercise and physical activity. Even though only ¼ of US adults meet the recommended amount of weekly exercise, we know (or should know) how important it is to keep moving and be physically active as we get older. But inevitably,…
Mind Boggling: Dementia Diagnoses & Evolving Demographic Trends
October 26, 2022
We all know that as a society, our population is getting older and living longer than previous generations. And while that’s a wonderful trend if you are able to get more years of good health and quality living, the flipside of that is many of us will face, either for…
Tempest In A Teapot: Myths And Realities About Health Benefits Of Tea
October 26, 2022
If you’re a tea drinker, you’re in good company. Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, bested only by water, and it’s been estimated that for every cup of coffee poured, three cups of tea are consumed. Black tea is the most popular tea in the US…
Focus Factor: Meditate For Your Mind And Body
October 12, 2022
No doubt this Fall continues to feed a sense of stress and anxiety in many of us. With escalating rhetoric and war in Ukraine, important upcoming elections, and inflation clouding our economic prosperity, it’s no wonder many of us are nervous these days. But as we’ve discussed in previous posts,…