Warning Shot: This Year Make Sure To Get Your Flu Shot
July 29, 2020
Despite the fact that we’re still in summer, it appears that it’s not too early to be thinking about your annual flu shot. Especially this year. Estimates are that in previous seasons only about 45% of adults received the flu vaccine. But for older adults, already at higher risk for…
agebuzz Updates: Older Adults And COVID-19
July 8, 2020
The news regarding the coronavirus continues to evolve, as we learn more about how it attacks the body, the symptoms it causes, the varying rates of infection among different groups, and the levels of risk associated with certain activities. At this point, we know this virus is quite different from…
What’s Cooking: Cooking And Eating Now For Older Adults
June 3, 2020
The current climate has caused many of us to reconsider our relationship with food: what we eat, how we prepare it, and how we secure it, among other facets. Given the closure of restaurants, the risks of entering grocery stores, and the limitations of available options, we’ve had to really…
Risky Business: Assessing Your Risk As Restrictions Are Lifted
May 27, 2020
No doubt we are living in complicated times. Not even experts are sure about basic info such as how lethal is the coronavirus or how prevalent it is in your community. Nonetheless, for better or worse, entities and establishments are beginning to open up around the country, and no matter…
Test Taking: Should You Get The Coronavirus Antibody Test?
May 20, 2020
If you’ve heard nothing else about the coronavirus, you’ve probably heard the phrase “testing, testing, testing.” Public health experts and political pundits have repeatedly warned that the country cannot limit the spread of COVID-19 and fully open up until we have adequate testing to determine the prevalence of the coronavirus…
Diet Disaster: Your Previous And Current Diets Are Likely Harming Your Health
May 13, 2020
So what’s cooking with you? Chances are, you’re actually doing a lot more cooking these days, with restaurants mostly closed and budgets more limited. Has your increased presence in the kitchen changed the way you eat? Are you improvising with whatever ingredients you can get your hands on? For some,…