Step By Step: More Good News About The Benefits Of Walking
January 17, 2024
In the middle of winter, with poor weather conditions often making it difficult or unpleasant to be outside, no one could blame you for slowing down and eliminating your daily walks. In fact, if you’re no longer walking the distances or time periods that you used to- especially when that…
Seasoned Greetings: Rethink Your Intake Of Sugar And Salt This Holiday Season
November 15, 2023
Chances are, the subject of holiday meals is well underway in your household. Whether you’re hosting or just a guest, dining in or eating out, you’re likely thinking about what will be in your oven or on your plate for the Thanksgiving holiday next week, along with all of the…
Slow It Down: Extend Your Health Span By Slowing Down Your Biological Aging
November 8, 2023
No doubt you know that people are living longer these days than in previous decades, something of a public health success for our country. In fact, the average life span of an American these days is 79 years and there’s a growing cohort of older adults who now live much…
Brief Bouts Count: A Little Bit Of Movement Can Be Life-Prolonging
November 1, 2023
It can feel hard. If you’re tired and resting on the couch; or you’ve done your daily chores and simply want to put up your feet; or your joints ache and you want to sit and watch your favorite show- you just don’t feel like moving. For many of us,…
Off The Cuff: Be Careful Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
September 20, 2023
So what do your numbers add up to? Your blood pressure numbers, that is. High blood pressure often has no symptoms yet is the cause of substantial ill health and premature death (estimates are over 650,000 US deaths per year are related to high blood pressure). So it’s critical that…
Tighten That Muscle: New Links Between Blood Pressure And Muscle Exercises
August 2, 2023
According to the CDC, almost half of us have hypertension (high blood pressure), which means an awful lot of us are taking medications to lower our blood pressure (and only ¼ of us have our high blood pressure under control). You probably don’t need to be told that having high…