Strike A Pose But Be Careful: Seniors And Yoga Safety Tips
December 14, 2017
By now, you’ve heard it many times: Practicing yoga can produce significant benefit for older minds and bodies. But not all yoga practices, and instructors, are created equally and the data are beginning to show that injury may be just as common to older yoga practitioners as enlightenment. In fact, a…
To Pee Or Not To Pee- Tips For Men And Women
November 30, 2017
Maybe this has happened to you: you’re enjoying yourself at a gathering, but suddenly have an urgent need for the bathroom. Or, you’re enjoying a lovely evening out but know that the extra glass of wine will have you scurrying to the toilet several times during the night. Ah, it’s…
Ouch! That Hurts: Shoulder Injury and Prevention For Older Women
August 10, 2017
If you’ve ever had pain or discomfort in your shoulder, you know how debilitating that can be. As we age, the shoulder is one of the more vulnerable areas of our body, as it’s used all the time and has the greatest range of motion of any joint we have….
Follow This Wisdom: The Value Of Yoga For Older Women
May 2, 2017
For the uninitiated, yoga can seem like a mysterious undertaking with unknown benefits and difficult physical poses. But for those who practice yoga, its value as both a form of physical exercise and relaxation is clear. And now, there is research to show that in older women, practicing yoga may…
A Walk In The Park: The Benefits Of Seeing Green For Seniors
March 21, 2017
Spring is officially here, even if the weather may not always cooperate. With the arrival of spring, thoughts turn to heading outside and taking in the fresh air. And, it turns out, there is new research to support the health benefits of outdoor activities for seniors. According to new analysis…
Going Strong: A New Physical Paradigm For Older Women
January 15, 2017
As they grow older, many women fear the negative toll that aging can take on the body. Skin may sag, fat can accumulate and it’s easy to become self-conscious about one’s body image. But rather than focus on the negative, what if, instead, you focused on maintaining and enhancing your…