Out Of Shape: Body Shape Changes As You Age
June 21, 2018
We all know that aging ushers in all sorts of changes, be they physical, emotional, social or financial. Virtually every part of your body experiences some sort of change, from the cellular level to your outward appearance. For a comprehensive overview of the extent and variety of body changes, check…
A Big Deal: New Research On Reducing Obesity In Older Women
June 14, 2018
Most women who are post-menopausal face the prospect of potential weight gain. While some women may respond with discipline and lifestyle changes, others may conclude that nothing can be done as the weight is the result of genetics. However, a new study out of the University of Buffalo School of Health…
Stress Less: Why and How To Minimize Your Stress
May 4, 2018
No one likes to feel stressed-out. And the evidence is clear: as we age, stress can take its toll on our bodies, both physically and mentally. And it doesn’t even need to be the result of a major life trauma- small stressors, day in and day out, over time, can build…
Hot Button: Updates On Menopause And Its Impact
April 27, 2018
Have you noticed? These days there seems to be a lot more attention paid to menopause: both its symptoms and its impact on women’s health. Perhaps that has to do with the number of older women in the workforce, or maybe with the recognition of the spending power, and neglected market,…
Under Control: Help For Ladies Who Need Help Down Under
February 1, 2018
Okay- we know you don’t want to talk about this- but many of us need some help with bladder leakage. We can hide in shame or we can laugh about our predicament-and reach for some useful assistance. Newly discovered? Icon undies, described as “pee proof” undies with the tagline, “welcome…
The Ladies Room: Frank Talk About Menopause In The Workplace
January 18, 2018
As more women have entered the workforce, there have been necessary and important changes made to accommodate female employees, including arrangements during pregnancy and nursing once the baby is born. However, let’s be frank: For older women, menopause remains an unaddressed, and usually unaccommodated, situation in the workplace. Now, a…