Your Face: Inevitable Changes And How To Respond
September 18, 2018
Whether you accept or deny it, none of us escapes the inevitable forces of mother nature that make our faces and skin reflect our aging. As gravity pulls, cartilage weakens and collagen disappears, you will likely see shifts and lumps and bags and lines in places previously smooth and silky. For…
Use It Or Lose It: Exercise Is Essential For Maintaining Muscle Strength
September 6, 2018
You’ve probably already noticed it: Maybe you can’t open jars the way you used to or it’s becoming harder to lift those free weights at the gym. It’s no surprise that as we age we naturally lose some of our strength and muscle mass. And that can lead to a…
Back Off: What Happens To Create A Hunched Back?
August 30, 2018
Undoubtedly, you can summon up the image: an older person, spine curving toward the ground, hunched over in a downward direction. Technically, this condition is known as “kyphosis” but in everyday language, we talk about “a hunched back.” Estimates are that between 20-40% of adults become afflicted with this condition,…
A New Wrinkle In Skin Care: What You Need To Know About Maple Leaves
August 23, 2018
With the arrival of fall, some of us head north to seek out this year’s maple syrup crop. But some new research out of the University of Rhode Island may prompt you to seek out the maple leaves instead. Hot off the presses, this new research suggests that extract from…
Let’s Talk About Unmentionables: Disposable Incontinence Underwear
August 9, 2018
Maybe you’re uncomfortable talking about this- but for many of us, our daily lives and interactions are driven by our need to stay close to home- specifically the bathroom- or by our fear of embarrassing “leaks.” Bladder leakage is very common though hardly discussed. It’s been estimated that 25 million…
Time To Bone Up: Should You Have Collagen In Your Diet Or Clothing?
July 18, 2018
If you follow health food fads at all, you know there’s always some new craze or suggestion for the latest ingredient you should eat or spread over your body, and there are always fabulous results promised as a consequence. Some of this is outright quackery, but some have more basis…