By A Hair: The Untold Story Of Older Women And Hair Loss
June 29, 2022
It’s a source of embarrassment, even shame, yet apparently it’s a more common occurrence than most of us realize. While we are all familiar with older men, or even middle-aged men, becoming bald, we have deep reservations and reluctance to accept that a similar fate can happen to women as…
Gray Matters: Dementia Risks And Older Women
April 13, 2022
We’ve previously posted about possible connections between older women and the risk of cognitive impairment. Now, with newly published analysis from the University of Michigan showing that almost 50% of all deaths recorded by Medicare include a diagnosis of dementia, concern about how we can best lower our risk of…
Women Of A Certain Age: Health Concerns For Older Women
January 19, 2022
Among the many differences between men and women are the ways that they experience the aging process. We’ve previously touched on several ways that men and women are different, including the length of their life spans, the physical and cognitive challenges they face, and their experiences as caregivers for aging…
Pressing Matters: The Importance Of Good Blood Pressure For Health And Brain Aging
October 20, 2021
Are you celebrating? It’s National Women’s Blood Pressure Awareness Week and to mark the occasion, we want to underscore how important it is for you to be aware of your blood pressure and take appropriate actions to keep your pressure in check and under control. As we highlighted in the…
Hair Splitting: The Impact Of Stress On Your Aging Hair
July 21, 2021
While we typically think of skin as the most visible outward sign of aging, some of us know that the real proof lies on our heads and in our brushes: thinning hair that breaks and is brittle, changing texture that leaves us confused as to how to style our hair,…
A Woman’s Intuition: How You Can Better Understand Your Heart Health
May 19, 2021
You probably don’t need a reminder that heart disease is the #1 cause of death for both men and women in the United States. For women, in particular, the risk of heart attack and stroke is real, yet misunderstood and often undertreated. Experts around the world recognize that heart disease…