Potbelly: How To Respond To Growing Belly Fat
March 24, 2021
The proof is in the pudding (actually skip the pudding and concentrate on the proof). As a nation, we have gained significant weight during the pandemic. Estimates are that on average Americans have gained 2 pounds during every month of lockdown. Not only is it more difficult to lose that…
Big News: Dangers From Obesity And A New Scientific Breakthrough To Reverse It
February 17, 2021
It’s no surprise: If you’re obese, you stand at greater risk of being afflicted with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or even serious COVID consequences. As one commentator has noted, getting infected with COVID as an obese person is “like pouring gasoline on top of a fire.” In fact,…
Weighed Down: Coming To Terms With Your Pandemic Weight Gain
January 27, 2021
There’s no shame in admitting it and you’re certainly not alone: around the world, the pandemic has led to a significant number of us indulging in stress eating, unhealthy calorie consumption, and inevitable weight gain as a result. If you’ve been snacking on french fries rather than fruit or consuming…
Weighty Matters: Weight Gain Risks Due To The Holidays And The Pandemic
December 2, 2020
Of the many numbers you’ve probably been tracking this year (i.e., number of COVID infections in your vicinity, weeks without seeing your loved ones, months without getting a haircut, etc.) one that’s probably crucial to track for your health and well-being is your weight. We know that putting on the…
Weight And See: News About Weight Gain, Weight Loss, and Healthy Aging
September 16, 2020
As we head into Fall and out of our summer clothes, some of us may be chagrined at how tight those cold-weather outfits have become. Weight gain has been an adverse consequence of the pandemic, and at a time when some gyms remain closed and outdoor exercise options become more…
Altered Plates: Changes In What And How We’re Eating
August 5, 2020
We won’t ask you to step on the scale, but many of us have experienced an altered state of eating since the pandemic began, including admission into the “quarantine 15” weight gain club. In a recent post in Forbes, writer Randi Mazzella cites a new study reporting that 76% of…