Slow It Down: Extend Your Health Span By Slowing Down Your Biological Aging
November 8, 2023
No doubt you know that people are living longer these days than in previous decades, something of a public health success for our country. In fact, the average life span of an American these days is 79 years and there’s a growing cohort of older adults who now live much…
Epidemic Proportions: Have You Been Swept Up In The Loneliness Epidemic?
August 9, 2023
This past April, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy created quite a stir when he declared that our country suffers from an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. He issued a 70+ page advisory report on the importance of social connection for the health and well-being of our country. Murthy, the author…
Reasons To Keep Moving: More Insights Into The Benefits Of Exercise
July 12, 2023
In many places across the country, it’s very hot, the air quality is not so good and the humidity is exhausting- not exactly a combination that gets you in the mood to go out and exercise (nor should you go outside and exert yourself if the conditions could imperil your…
Morning Jolt: Can Your Morning Coffee Erase Your Sleep Problems?
June 28, 2023
What’s the first thing you think about when you open your eyes each morning? You’re in good company if it’s going for that first cup of coffee. If you haven’t gotten 7 hours of sleep the night before, you’ll probably look to your first cup to help power you through…
Power Naps: Is It Ok To Nap During The Day?
June 28, 2023
Perhaps you’ve recently retired and as you begin to map out what your days will look like, you’re wondering if an occasional daily snooze is okay to include on the schedule. As so many of us are aware, that “mid-afternoon slump” (which can actually be a result of a natural…
Brain Boosters: Different Activities To Keep Your Brain In The Game
March 1, 2023
If you’re an avid (or even casual) agebuzz reader, you know that there are many aspects of your lifestyle and habits that maintain and support your aging brain. Whether it’s eating a healthy diet, partaking in regular physical exercise, keeping socially active, or diving into the latest crossword puzzle, it’s…