Healthy Aging 2025: Starting Off The New Year With Healthy Habits
January 8, 2025
You’ve likely started this new year renewing promises from past years: commitments to eat better, exercise more, stress less, and take care of yourself. And there’s plenty of available information and insights to remind us that the older we get, the more important it is to keep these commitments if…
Lonely And Confused: Can Technology Help You Combat Loneliness?
January 8, 2025
Unfortunately, this new year starts the same as previous years when it comes to the predicament of loneliness among older adults. An end-of-2024 study released by the National Poll On Healthy Aging reports that even though rates of loneliness and social isolation among older adults have returned to “pre-pandemic” levels,…
Crime And Punishment: Older Adults Face An Onslaught Of Fraud
January 8, 2025
It seems as though no matter how savvy and sophisticated we are, the scammers and fraudsters are one step ahead of us. With the availability of even more sophisticated technology, including artificial intelligence that can mimic your voice or clean up the typos and grammatical errors that used to give…
For Good Measure: The Importance Of Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement
January 1, 2025
Did someone give you a blood pressure monitor as a holiday gift this year? Perhaps not the most exciting or entertaining of gifts, but thankfully someone has your heart health front of mind. And that’s a good thing, as monitoring your blood pressure and keeping it within normal range is…
Can’t Hurt, May Help: Are Your Brain Games Helping Your Cognition?
January 1, 2025
There’s no dispute at this point that engaging your mind and challenging your brain are important activities to keep your cognition and memory sharp and functioning into your later years. As one expert succinctly states, “If something is mentally challenging, chances are that’s probably pretty good for your brain.” There’s…
Stride And Stroll: How To Continue Walking This Winter
January 1, 2025
We’re at that time of year when the days are short (and likely cold), precipitation may be in the air, and your food consumption may have gone up with all of the holiday goodies and gatherings. Your head may know that it’s critical to keep physically active but your heart…