Longer And Better: Expert Advice On Living A Longer, Healthier Life
April 24, 2024
It’s perhaps one of the most existential issues of our time: While so many of us are living longer than those who came before us, of what value is that longer life if it’s not accompanied by good health? Do you really want to live a longer life if your…
Home Free? Can You Afford To Age In Place?
April 24, 2024
We’ve previously highlighted the fact that most older adults want to continue living in the community, rather than move to a long term care facility, as they get into their later years. Two new surveys confirm that sentiment. First, a recent survey by Fannie Mae has found that 56% of…
Life Before Death: The Growing Use Of Death Doulas
April 24, 2024
None of us leaves this world alive, and as Dame Cicely Saunders once said, “How people die remains in the memory of those who live on.” We are therefore fortunate to live in an era when the option of having a “death doula” has become more commonplace in helping individuals…
Your Move: Why Physical Exercise May Reverse The Aging Process
April 17, 2024
In many previous posts, we’ve extolled the virtues of exercise and physical movement as essential for healthy aging. From ongoing research, we know that physical activity is necessary for keeping your body physically functioning and your brain cognitively strong and intact well into your later years. What we’ve learned from…
Under The Sun: The Rise Of Lethal Skin Cancers
April 17, 2024
With spring upon us (mostly), are you heading outside? Spending long days taking in the sun and warmth after a miserable winter? Not to rain on your parade, but once you’re outside, what are you doing to protect your skin from your new spring sun exposure? We know that UV…
Child Care: Spending Time With Grandkids May Boost Your Brain
April 17, 2024
As we’ve previously noted, demographic changes mean that some of us may never have the experience of being a grandparent. But if you are a grandparent or will become one, you’re in good company. Worldwide, it’s estimated that 20% of the population- about 1.5 billion people- are grandparents. For those…