Meditation In Motion: Why Tai Chi May Be A Great Choice For You
May 15, 2024
No doubt you know that we’ve frequently touted the importance of physical activity for healthy aging. We’ve also praised the value of mindfulness and meditation to lower stress and anxiety and help put you in a calm, present state of mind (which can also benefit your physical health). If there’s…
Bottoms Up: How Are Your Feet Aging?
May 15, 2024
You probably take them for granted, and give little thought to the health of your feet, until a problem arises. Maybe you’re suddenly experiencing some bumps on your feet or curls in your toes that make your shoes less comfortable (did you know it’s estimated that 3 out of 4…
Prevention Interventions: Strategies For Addressing Your Alzheimer’s Risk
May 8, 2024
Not so long ago, receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s was a devastating piece of news. Usually, such a diagnosis came after specific symptoms of cognitive decline appeared. Physicians had little to offer beyond recommendations for getting your affairs in order (assuming you still had decision-making capacity when the diagnosis was…
Climb Higher: Stair Climbing Meets Your Aerobic And Strength Training Needs
May 8, 2024
We’ve previously cited expert advice about the value of stair climbing as a way to sneak in exercise without really trying. Now comes new research presented at the 2024 European Preventive Cardiology Conference that provides further evidence of the value of stair climbing, as a way to lower your risk…
All By Myself: Loneliness And Its Impact On Physical and Cognitive Health
May 8, 2024
It’s no surprise that older individuals often feel lonely, as close family and friends become distant or have passed away, and as illness and disability make it harder to connect and gather. We’ve covered this topic on many previous occasions but it’s still jarring to read new research that confirms…
Leg Work: Now Is The Ideal Time To Be Out Walking
May 1, 2024
With the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer, the message is clear: If at all possible, it’s time to get out and about, and get those legs moving again. We’ve extolled the health benefits of regular walking for years. As a good review, a recent post from the…