No Stress: Lowering Your Stress Levels Will Improve Your Health
June 12, 2024
No one could blame you if you feel under stress these days. Putting aside world and domestic events (which are likely the cause of stress for an untold number of us), if your health is problematic, your caregiving responsibilities are significant, your money concerns are ever-present or life is not…
By All Appearances: Accepting Your Appearance As You Age
April 10, 2024
How do you think you look compared to your peers? Do you all look about the same age? Would someone think you’re younger than your same-aged friends? Do you think you look younger than your chronological age? Does it even matter one way or another about whether you look young…
Clean Enough: Revising Your Ideas For Decluttering
March 27, 2024
It’s that time of year when many of us hope to sweep out the remnants of winter from our homes and open up the doors and windows to let the spring weather in. In addition to spring cleaning, there is often the desire to declutter, dispose of, or donate possessions…
Happy Place: Feeling Happy As An Older Adult
March 27, 2024
In case you missed the celebration of International Day of Happiness last week, there’s news to report about the prevalence of happiness among younger and older adults in the United States and around the world. A new poll conducted by Gallup was just released examining happiness around the world. Called…
The Continued Epidemic Of Loneliness: Individual And Systemic Responses
March 20, 2024
It’s likely no surprise that loneliness continues to be a significant public health concern in the United States. As we reported last year when Surgeon General Vivek Murthy raised alarms about the public health crisis of loneliness in our country, loneliness is not only a subjective individual feeling of disappointment…
Fine Tune: Mounting Evidence That Music Boosts Your Aging Brain
February 14, 2024
It’s likely that most of us have a favorite song or musical artist from our younger days. But what about today? Are you still listening to your favorite songs from days gone by? Have you discovered new artists you enjoy? Have you become a Taylor Swift devotee or are you…