Hope For The Best: New Medications May Slow The Progress of Alzheimer’s- If You Can Access Them
May 17, 2023
For the more than 6 million Americans currently thought to have Alzheimer’s, and their loved ones, the possible benefits of new medications can’t come soon enough. As the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease predominantly afflicts older women (⅔ of Alzheimer’s patients are female) and almost ¾ of those…
Gauging Your Risk: New Tools To Help Determine Your Risk For Dementia
May 10, 2023
That dreaded “D” Word: dementia. No one looks forward to receiving a dementia diagnosis or being told they are at risk for dementia. But we have reached a point in our understanding of the disease, and our diagnostic capabilities, that we can now predict with some certainty, and at a…
Happy Memories: Repairing and Improving Your Memory
April 19, 2023
The Scottish novelist and playwright (and creator of Peter Pan) J. M. Barrie once said, “God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.” Memory, and the memories we store, allow us to live in a world more robust and rewarding than we might otherwise be able to…
Brains And Brawn: New Research On How Exercise Supports Brain Health
April 12, 2023
There’s no lack of valuable, science-based information on the critical importance of exercise to keep yourself healthy as you get older, including many posts available on agebuzz. That means exercising to keep your heart pumping, your immune system fighting, and your muscles and bones strong and stable to avoid falls….
Memories And Melodies: Music Connects To Key Moments From Our Life
March 15, 2023
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” For some of us, we can barely be without our earbuds or headphones because of the importance of music in our lives. Whether you’re listening to vinyl albums or scrolling on Spotify, having music ever-present is often…
Books On Life: New Words Of Wisdom For The Journey of Aging
March 8, 2023
In addition to the sheer pleasure of delving into a new book and being entertained or enlightened by the thoughts and words of another, there is also the possibility you may glean some essential truths or wise ideas about your own life. Such is the case with several new books…