Old News: The Place Of Age In Electoral Politics
February 28, 2024
This is not a post about politics, per se. It’s for you to judge the policies, accomplishments, and character of the likely 2 presidential nominees, and whom you choose to vote for is your own business. But what is an important topic for consideration is the current national quandary we…
Fine Tune: Mounting Evidence That Music Boosts Your Aging Brain
February 14, 2024
It’s likely that most of us have a favorite song or musical artist from our younger days. But what about today? Are you still listening to your favorite songs from days gone by? Have you discovered new artists you enjoy? Have you become a Taylor Swift devotee or are you…
Youthful Versus Useful: Find Your Purpose As You Get Older
February 7, 2024
This past August, the consultancy firm Age Wave, along with the Harris Poll, conducted a study entitled The New Age of Aging, which reports on the significant demographic shifts currently happening in our country and the changing views of Americans on getting older. This survey involved over 2000 respondents, 900…
Refresh Your Memory: Can A Daily Multivitamin Be The Trick?
January 31, 2024
How often do you worry about your memory? How frequently do you forget why you entered a room or struggle to remember someone’s name? And do you worry that these episodes of forgetting might portend something worse? Perhaps it’s not just occasional forgetfulness but the beginning of a memory decline?…
Healthy Living, Healthy Brain: Your Lifestyle Can Make A Difference
January 17, 2024
What comes to mind when you think about a healthy aging lifestyle? Maybe cutting out the sweets and sugary drinks, finally hopping on that exercise bike that’s gathering dust, or maybe a little less vegging in front of the television and a few more veggies on your plate. But what…
Coaching For Better Cognition: Can A Health Coach Lower Your Dementia Risk?
December 6, 2023
As we’ve noted repeatedly, Alzheimer’s dementia is currently incurable and on the rise. While important strides have been made in diagnosing Alzheimer’s and in slowing down its progress in the early stages with new medications, we cannot reverse it. Therefore, our best defense against the ravages of Alzheimer’s is to…