Green Light: Adding Greens To Your Diet May Keep Your Memory and Thinking Stronger
January 4, 2018
It’s the new year and you’re probably looking for ways to keep yourself healthy and vibrant. One easy option? It seems that adding a salad to your menu every day may keep your memory strong and cognition sharp. In a new study published in Neurology, researchers found that older people who…
Commit This To Memory: New Insights Into Training Your Brain
October 26, 2017
We’ve all had this experience: we can’t remember a phone number or name, even as we can recount what our birthday party was like when we were five years old. Long term memories are fine, but if you can’t remember the little details necessary to get you through the day,…
Tea and Memories: Checking In On Alzheimer’s Research Updates
October 19, 2017
If you’re sipping your cup of green tea and reflecting on some past memories, you’re probably also helping yourself in the fight against Alzheimer’s. New research has recently discovered the specific chemical element of green tea that disrupts the formation of the plaques in the brain thought to be associated…
What’s It Really Like: One Woman’s Experience with Dementia
August 10, 2017
It’s not often that we get insight into someone suffering from dementia, particularly someone as articulate as Gerda Saunders. Ms. Saunders, 67, a retired professor from the University of Utah, was given the diagnosis of cerebral microvascular disease, a precursor of dementia, 6 years ago. She began a journal to document her…
Commit This To Memory: Pills To Enhance Your Memory Are Likely Scams
June 29, 2017
Anyone who’s had a “senior moment” can understand the allure of pills that promise memory enhancement or cognitive clarity. It’s no fun feeling like a word is just out of reach or on the tip of your tongue. But these feelings also leave you vulnerable to scams and fraud. Manufacturers are…
In The Weeds: Is Marijuana Your Memory Cure-All?
May 18, 2017
We usually associate smoking marijuana with an altered state of mind and even forgetfulness. But what if, in fact, it could have the opposite affect? A recent study by researchers at the University of Bonn are shining a new light on the benefits of THC (the active ingredient in cannabis)…