Test Appeal: Accurate New Blood Test For Alzheimer’s Within Sight
August 12, 2020
Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is often the end result of a long and difficult process begun when memory or cognition begins to deteriorate and when other types of dementia are ruled out. What’s more, by the time a diagnosis is made there are likely few effective therapeutic options for…
Nip It In The Bud: Ways To Prevent or Delay Dementia
August 5, 2020
You already know the drill: right now we have few effective treatments to help persons afflicted with dementia. And given that estimates are that 50 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with dementia, that’s a tremendous amount of suffering and burden on both patients and their caregivers. If there’s any…
If Memory Serves: Factors That May Affect Your Memory Later In Life
June 10, 2020
Few of us need a reminder that as we get older, our memory may not work as well as it used to. A less-than-sharp memory can cause worry and anxiety, as we can forget everything, from where we last saw our keys to what our mother’s maiden name was. And…
Brawn And Brain: New Research Shows Exercise Is Good For Brain Health
May 27, 2020
For some of us, the past several months have been a blur of tv binging and too much sitting. While our anxieties have been high, our brains (and our butts) may have been idle. So just in time, new research has been published that demonstrates the importance of aerobic exercise…
A Calculated Risk: Do You Worry You’ll Develop Dementia?
November 20, 2019
Do you get nervous when you feel confused or have forgotten a name or important milestone? Are you left to wonder if something is happening inside your brain? If so, then join the club. It seems a significant number of us worry that we are likely to develop dementia down…
On The Brain: Researchers Strategize About Next Steps For Alzheimer’s
October 23, 2019
Generally speaking, the news about Alzheimer’s continues to be sobering. Right now, close to 6 million people have Alzheimer’s in the US, and up to 47 million people worldwide, with expectations that those numbers could skyrocket in the decades to come. As populations age (and the risk of Alzheimer’s increases…