Bear This In Mind: New Research On Women’s Brain Health
March 12, 2025
Did you know that March 10-March 16th is Brain Awareness Week? It’s an opportunity to promote and highlight important brain research, an area of scientific inquiry that continues to evolve and produce important new understanding of how the brain works and what happens as the brain ages. In celebration of…
Dire Demographics: The Forecast For New Dementia Diagnoses Is Worrisome
January 15, 2025
The data has been concerning even before the release of the most recent report. With more than 6 million Americans currently diagnosed with dementia (that’s nearly 10% of people 65 and older), more than 100,000 deaths a year attributable to dementia, and more than $600 billion in annual dementia caregiving…
Crime And Punishment: Older Adults Face An Onslaught Of Fraud
January 8, 2025
It seems as though no matter how savvy and sophisticated we are, the scammers and fraudsters are one step ahead of us. With the availability of even more sophisticated technology, including artificial intelligence that can mimic your voice or clean up the typos and grammatical errors that used to give…
Can’t Hurt, May Help: Are Your Brain Games Helping Your Cognition?
January 1, 2025
There’s no dispute at this point that engaging your mind and challenging your brain are important activities to keep your cognition and memory sharp and functioning into your later years. As one expert succinctly states, “If something is mentally challenging, chances are that’s probably pretty good for your brain.” There’s…
Bring To Mind: Strategies To Support Your Aging Memory
October 30, 2024
There’s nothing like forgetting the name of someone you recently met or blanking on the name of a new movie you just saw to remind you that you’re getting on in years. Some slippage in memory is perfectly normal as we age, as certain processes that aid our memory don’t…
Soothing Sounds: Music For Calm And Comfort Late In Life
October 23, 2024
The evidence firmly exists that music plays an important role in almost everyone’s life, and for older adults, it can help support healthy brain aging and build cognitive reserve. We also have evidence of the therapeutic value of music in helping patients to recover from illness or to endure difficult…