Fall Alert: Updates And Ideas As We Approach Fall Prevention Week In September
August 26, 2020
In a split second, your life can change forever: From upright to unconscious and from independent to helpless, all because of an unanticipated fall. Certainly, the data about falls and older adults are scary: It’s reported that an older adult dies from a fall every 19 minutes, and every 11…
Swallow This: What To Consider When Taking Meds As An Older Adult
January 8, 2020
If you’ve reached a certain age, chances are there are a lot of pill bottles lurking in your medicine cabinet. Some may be old and expired and you just don’t know how to get rid of them. Others may be over-the-counter meds for pain or allergy relief. And others may…
Pill Popping: Technology Assists To Track Your Medications
November 20, 2019
For anyone who’s tried, you know that managing multiple medications on a daily basis is no picnic. Just trying to remember to take your medications, let alone managing the dosages, can be a challenge, especially for those suffering from multiple chronic illnesses or with diminished cognitive capacity. And for your…
Double Take: Finding Ways Around Excessive Medication Costs
August 28, 2019
Most of us have suffered this sticker shock: You show up at the pharmacy to pick up a new prescription and are astonished at the price- and that’s even if you have insurance. Those with modest or no insurance face a more daunting prospect, including forgoing a costly medication even…
A King’s Ransom: The Unending Rise of Medication Costs
June 5, 2019
You probably didn’t need a new study to confirm this fact: the costs of the most popular medications keep rising and there seems no end in sight to the uptick. Published in JAMA, this new study looked at drug pricing for 49 common, top-selling brand-name drugs, and the findings were…
Are You Doing Drugs? Compliance With Your Prescribed Medications
April 30, 2019
Do you take your medications the way your doctor prescribes them? If not, what’s stopping you? You probably already know that there’s value in sticking to a medication regimen. Doing so consistently can help relieve symptoms, treat disease, and improve your quality of life. It can also minimize hospital admissions…