A Woman’s Intuition: How You Can Better Understand Your Heart Health
May 19, 2021
You probably don’t need a reminder that heart disease is the #1 cause of death for both men and women in the United States. For women, in particular, the risk of heart attack and stroke is real, yet misunderstood and often undertreated. Experts around the world recognize that heart disease…
Becoming A “Fall Prevention” Detective: Practical Advice From Expert Molly Roffman
May 19, 2021
As an agebuzz reader, you’re likely aware of the important advice we’ve shared from Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman. Whether it’s keeping us alert and upright, or sharing wisdom on how to regain strength and balance after the pandemic activity pause, Molly’s got essential information to help us all…
Don’t Fall For It: The Danger of Fall-Inducing Medications
March 24, 2021
The statistic is stunning, yet may be a familiar data point. A new study out of the University of Buffalo reports that from 1999-2017, more than 7.8 billion medications that can increase the risk of falling were prescribed to older adults and that deaths as a result of falls more…
The Beat Goes On: Important Updates On Medications And Heart Health
November 18, 2020
Whenever you need to take several medications to combat a disease or address multiple conditions, there’s always the potential for problems: You may have trouble keeping track of when and how many pills you’ve taken, you may have trouble swallowing multiple pills, or you may run into trouble if certain…
Aging Pains: The Prevalence of Chronic Pain In Older Adults
November 11, 2020
To many of us, it feels like a right of passage: the older we get, the more ongoing are the aches and pains that remind us of our age and how our body is (or is not) coping. If you feel this way, new data from the CDC confirms you’re…
Brain Boost? Why Supplements Are Unlikely To Help And May Even Harm
October 21, 2020
Many of us have felt the tug. Our memory’s not as good as it used to be or maybe we feel a little slow when we encounter something new or unfamiliar. We think maybe just a little harmless boost would help us navigate the strange new world we all seem…